All in all, it was AWESOME and we would like to thank everyone who joined and helped out for making it such a great success. We would especially like to give extra credit to the organizing chairperson, Jonathan Lee and his assistant, Giselle Soosay Nathan as well as our teacher advisors, Madam Norhayati and Miss Teng who put in all effort in making sure the event went on smoothly. The event went perfectly as planned and we raised a total of over RM62,000 that went out to several charities.
Here are a few pictures which might give you just a little hint on what was going on during the event, as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words!
President Low Zhi-Yang and Vice President Lau Yen June coordinating the morning exercise before the marathon started.

The Under-15 category.
Interactor Jia En aka water boy carrying bottles of water to stations he was assigned to.

The Under-18 category at the flag-off point.
The winners taking a good rest while waiting for their prizes.

The bike went to a Form1 girl who donated the highest amount of money.
All of the Interactors worked tirelessly for the event and we are really proud as it was for a good cause. We definitely hope that next year's cross country would achieve even greater sucess. Last but not least, thank you so much for your contribution and endless support throughout this event! :)
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