This year, The club pre-decided that we should donate the funds to a number of charities, among them being The Children's Wish Society(CWS), Pusat Bantuan Sentul (the centre where we volunteer to tutor the children), Mercy Malaysia, National Cancer Society and P.S the Children, most of them in which are involved in children's causes.
Our Interactors arrived at the Lake Gardens early in the wee ours of the morning on the 14th of February, at 6:30am. After getting our Cross-Country T-Shirts (specially designed by Interactor Chan Jamin) , there was a short briefing by the otganizing chairperson and her assistant Grace Lim(Comm.Serv. Director) and Chia Su-Yen(Asst.Comm.Serv. Director) respectively, about what we were to do that day. All the Interactors were told to go to their assigned groups and then they were briefed by the person-in-charge there.
The event started on time at around 7, with attendance being taken by the Interactors put in charge of each class. After everyone was settled, we sang the national anthem and the school song, followed by a speech from the Principal and our guest of honour, Datuk Dr. Tan Kee Kwong (chairman of the school board), who officiated the event.
The event then went in to full swing with lots of laughter and smiles. Our President and Vice President, Catherine and Jonathan, lead the students in morning exercise, Interact club style. The students were made to warm up while listening to "Check Yes Juliet" by We The Kings. While the students were busy getting pumped up for the run, the Interators assigned to stations took off with their teachers and respective PBSM (Red Crescent Society) members.
Then, Datuk Dr. Tan Kee Kwong began the flag off, starting with the upper secondary route. followed by the lower secondary, teachers and parents. Among the categories of participants included the lower secondary, upper secondary, parents and teachers(under and above 50). The run was a success as there were no serious injuries or accidents (thankfully)! The security people cycled along the route, making sure everything was running smoothly and that there were no problems with the stations. Quite a few of the particpants wanted a ride on the bicycles!
After the last person crossed the finish line amidst lots of cheers and encouragement, everyone reassembled and enjoyed the sponsored food and drinks. The results were tallied and the prizes were given out by Mr. Allen Hubbert, Executive director of CWS who graciously attended the event. (Thank you so much Mr. Hubbert!)
The prizes included several iPods, a Handphone, Puma bags and Watches among other goodeies. There was even a prize for highest donor and also highest class donations by form.
All in all, the event was a success. We managed to raise a total of RM 47,301.17 this year, beating last year's record. However, the sum money raised proved to be not nearly as important as what we would do with it. We were proud that all the money we worked so hard to raise would eventually go to people in need of it.
Of course, we hope that next year's cross country will be even better than this one. Our Interactors agreed that it really made us feel good to contribute towards an event like this, which will hopefully impact many lives.
And last, but not least, there are many who helped us greatly to make this event a success, and we would like to thank them:
hi5 - for sponsoring delicious buns and much needed energy drinks - the 'Revive' drinks were snapped up almost immediately by our exhausted runners!
Elken - for sponsoring 1200 bottles of mineral water
Uncle Jimmy (our school canteen operator) - for providing the delicious banana fritters and various kuihs.
The Red Crescent Society (PBSM) of WMS - for playing a big part in making our event a success. We would like to thank them as they ensured that any student injured or feeling unwell was well cared for.
The teachers - many teachers helped out with the stations, food and various other things for the event. Also, the teachers who gamely took part in the race! Thank you!
The students and parents - Lots of amazing runners with great potential out there! thank you for supporting our event!
There were also cash sponsorships by various companies. Thank you so much for your contribution!
And of course... to our beloved teacher advisors, Mdm. Norhayati and Ms Teng, and to our Interactors, who worked tirelessly to make this event a success.